… Are You Ready? The Florida Hurricane Season is here and it’s now the appropriate time to prepare your home (or office) for potential Central Florida Tropical Storms or Hurricanes. The internet has several “Check Lists” that can assist you, and your family with this process, ranging from the need to have working flashlights, first aid kits, bottle water and non perishable foods. Hint: prepare now to avoid long lines…

… Congratulations to the Dr. Phillips Rotary (Bay Hill) Club for earning the honor of “Best Central Florida Rotary Club for the 2023/2024 Year” from the Leadership of Rotary District 6980. If you are looking to
“Give Back” to your local community and to network with other professionals, please consider joining a Greater Orlando Club. For added information, please view the following website: rotarydistrict6980.org….

… Please post these two State of Florida “Sales Tax Holiday’s” in your calendar or phone:
- Disaster Prep Sales Tax Exemption: August 24 – September 6
- Back To School Sales Tax Timeframe: July 29 – August 11
… Hail Seminole County for installing Motor Vehicle Kiosks at several Publix stores throughout the County. These self service machines are available to renew your vehicle registrations (license plate tag renewal). For added information, please view the Seminole County Tax Collector website…

…. “Magical Dining” is fast approaching! Please review the Visit Orlando website during the month of August to determine the restaurants that are participating in the September/October 2024 Magical Dining experience. Each year, hundreds of regional eating establishments offer discounted prices for 3 course dinners. It’s also worth noting that this nearly 20 year old program successfully raises funds each year for local charities!

… Football is nearly here and it may be appropriate now, to secure your tickets or finalize game watching gatherings for your favorite high school, college or professional football teams. Central Floridians enjoy the football season, so please determine your plans now!